Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Fusili in (no)-cream sauce

I'm just gonna say it. I miss fettuccine alfredo. Sometimes being a vegan has its downsides, particularly when being a vegan also conflicts with this Italian-American girl's comfort food. I discovered this recipe in a vegan cookbook my momma gave me for the holidays. While it tastes nothing like alfredo sauce (there's a recipe in the book specifically for alfredo, and this is not it), it totally satisfied my needs. I tweaked the recipe a bit to add more spice/flavor-- adding garlic and tomatoes. Serve it over gluten free pasta (the quinoa kind is so delicious and has a beautiful golden color.) Or regular pasta if you can eat it. :)  I chose fusili and it holds the sauce nicely.

Fusili in No-Cream Sauce
(musical accompaniment: Aunt Martha "Omaha")

1 15 oz can of creamy beans-- I used cannelloni beans, but I imagine butter beans would also do the trick
1 small onion, minced
2 cloves of garlic (more if you like garlicky sauce), minced
Sage (I used dried sage, and added lots. I say, adjust to your taste)
handful of cherry tomatoes, chopped-- add to taste (honestly, I just threw these in to make it a pretty color).
1 tbs of balsamic vinegar
salt and pepper to taste
1.5 cups of low sodium veggie stock
1 lb of fusili (quinoa or semolina)

cook onion and garlic in olive oil for about 5 minutes, until fragrant
add sage, red pepper flakes, salt, pepper, balsamic vinegar, and beans, cook for about a minute so the flavors all mix.
pour ingredients into a blender or food processor.
Add veggie broth and blend (add more broth if it looks too thick)

Boil fusili as usual. While it's cooking, pour the sauce mixture in a saucepan and cook on low heat.

Combine. Enjoy.

I'd post a picture but I keep devouring it before I can get a good shot. :)

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